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Hannaleena Hauru's "Heidin suunnittelema jääkiekkoelokuva", edited by Andrea.

While walking up and down the Croisette during Cannes Film Festival, I've gotten an email from my good friend the Finnish filmmaker Hannaleena Hauru, letting me know that her latest short film, "Heidin suunnittelema jääkiekkoelokuva", which I had the pleasure to edit, has been screened in the premiere party of her feature film "Thick Lashes of Lauri Mäntyvaara". The official premiere won't be till the Fall during Nordisk Panorama festival in Malmö.

Synopsis: In the experimental short film Heidi’s fantasy about hockey player Lauri Mäntyvaara is continuously failing. The split screen short film studies the encounters of optical and haptic cinema, and the change in the power structures of the gaze in cinema. The film has been shot in collaboration with Hannaleena Hauru’s first feature film “Thick Lashes of Lauri Mäntyvaara”

UPDATE: It will be screened in Reykjavik Film Festival Oct 3rd-4th and Interfilm Berlin in November.

Here more information about the movie, that will be distributed by AV-arkki:

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